Promotion Requirements


Promotions on the Horizon are generally for time and work that you do to support the chapter.  Officers and Enlisted above a certain rank must choose a project or a department, and give it regular support, and also must maintain a minimum number of points for activities.  The points are a representation of support of charities, and attendance at functions during a calendar year.  This support is required ongoing or rank may be removed at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.

Officer criteria at Captain and above are set by the region and Fleet.


Officers Active Time Required, Averages
Midshipman, Junior Grade 0 mos Complete OTS, 50 pts
Midshipman 3 mos 60 pts
Ensign, Junior Grade 6 mos Complete OCC, 75 pts
Ensign 1 yr 85 pts
Lieutenant, Junior Grade 2 yrs Complete, 100 pts
Lieutenant 3 yrs Asst Department, 125 pts
Lieutenant Commander 4 yrs Department, 150 pts
Commander 6 yrs Department, 175 pts
Captain, Junior Grade 7 yrs 1st, 2nd Officer, 200 pts
Captain Fleet… 250 pts
Fleet Captain Fleet… 250 pts
Commodore Fleet… 250 pts
Rear Admiral Fleet… 250 pts
Vice Admiral Fleet… 250 pts
Admiral Fleet… 250 pts
Fleet Admiral Fleet… 250 pts
Recruit 3rd Class New None
Recruit 2nd Class 3 mos Choose dept, 15 pts (TL)
Recruit 1st Class 3 mos 25 pts (TL)
Crewman’s Apprentice 2 6 mos 40 pts (TL)
Crewman’s Apprentice 1 6 mos 50 pts (TL)
Crewman 3rd Class 1 yr Project,  50 pts
Crewman 2nd Class 1.5 yrs Project,  75 pts
Crewman 1st Class 2 yrs Project,  100 pts
Petty Officer, 3rd Class 2.5 yrs Project, 120 pts
Petty Officer, 2nd Class 3 yrs Project, 135 pts
Petty Officer, 1st Class 3.5 yrs Project, 150 pts
Chief Petty Officer 4 yrs Asst Dept,175 pts
Sr Chief Petty Officer 5 yrs Asst Dept, 200 pts
Master Chief P.O. 6 yrs Department, 225 pts
Sr. Master Chief P.O. 7 yrs Department, 250 pts
Sr Mstr Chief of the Ship 8 yrs Ship, 250 pts


Enlisted Rank 4                                                                     Officer Rank 1

Enlisted Pips: Example = Hobby Lobby 10mm Tie Tack Pin

SKU # 229294, 8 pcs

Also a brush and a small hobby jar of black paint.




Club Member      10 ea  club

Club Enlisted    5 + 1 - 3 ea  (1 = minimum effort, 3 = maximum effort)

Club Officers    10 + 1 - 3 ea  (1 = minimum effort, 3 = maximum effort)

Active Dept    25 or 15 or 0 (25 = very active, 15 = minimally active, 0 = no effort)

Active Proj      5 or 3 or 0 (5 = very active, 3 = minimally active, 0 = no effort)

Activity Leader     2 ea

Fleet              5 ea day

Mission                2 ea

SFA Course          3 ea

Comm Master            25 ea

Web Master             50

Recruits/Yr           8 ea  (new)

Recruits/Yr        5 ea (re-new)

Game Master             3

Gamer             2


Award Points Based on each Awards earned


OCP                      1 ea

Box Tops             1 ea

Campbells           1 ea

Stamps                 1 ea

Cans                     1 ea

Cash                     1 ea

Recycle                1 ea

Items                    1 ea

Ronalds Mc         1 ea

Earth                    1 ea

Service                 1 ea

Award Points Based on Submissions


Fleet                      5 ea

Regional             3 ea

Chapter           1 ea