(Program as of: 6-30-2012)
All Horizon non-annual
award requests may be submitted by any member. The CO or designee will
make the final decision. Please include any documentation to aid in
that decision with your request.
Do not wait on leadership to make them.
You may nominate yourself.
These awards are chosen at
the pleasure of the Captain assisted by a vote of the membership each year.
The awards are given for work above and beyond normal expectations in the
category given. If by Chapter vote, each ballot will contain the
choice and the reason for the vote being cast which will enable the CO to
finalize the choices. The year runs January to December.
(Get your choices to the C.O. by the January meeting.)
Officer of the Year [GOLD]
For the officer/Staff NCO
that most exceeds the normal expectations and accomplishments for their
position. Also for the one that most gives of themselves to the
Distinguished Service [DARK GREY]
Second place award in the vote for officer of the year.
Member of the Year [Name on a plaque] [RED]
This award is for the most outstanding member for the year. This is
not for departmental work but for work that most improves the overall
Departmental Achievement
Awards [SILVER]
For the departmental member that most exemplifies the needs of that
department. The person being awarded should be noteworthy throughout
the year in doing more than their fair share of the work for their
department. The departments are: Command, Sciences, Operations,
Tactical, Flight Control, Medical, and Engineering. It is not unusual
for this award to not be given out for some departments.
Horizon Order Of The
Shining Star (HOOTS) [BLACK
For the person who has the most spirit for the Horizon over the past year.
Erik Larson Writing Award [Name on a plaque] [YELLOW]
For the member that most contributes to the Horizon’s written publications,
beyond the requirements of their position. (Department heads and above
are expected to provide at least one item per publication ie:
Newsletter and Fanzine.)
These awards are given as
deemed fit by the Command Staff. Any member can submit someone for
these awards at any time.
Awarded as requested.
Vulcan Order of Clearer Thinking [ORANGE]
Given for solving difficult problems for the ship, or for thinking through a
difficult problem toward a solution, in the interests of the chapter.
DaVinci Order of
Inventiveness [PURPLE]
Given for creative and new ideas that enhance the chapter or the member’s
enjoyment of their Trek experience.
Citation of Commendation [DARK BLUE]
Awarded for worthy contributions to the ship beyond the call of normal for
your assignment of duty, for a specific item.
Youth Citation [WHITE]
Same as the Citation of Commendation except scaled for our youth that are
not in a leadership position.
These awards are updated
annually (more often if needed). These are awarded by the “Order of
Award Colors.”
Nebula Writing [YELLOW with order of colors]
Awarded for written
contributions beyond what is required. (Department heads and above are
expected to make one entry per publication.) Examples are: major
contribution or multiple regular contributions.
[RED with order of colors]
Award is given for signing up 5 persons to any of the International
groups/clubs that we affiliate with.
Fleet Activity [Dark BLUE with order of colors]
Award is given for representing the Horizon at a Fleet or Region function.
Chapter Service [ORANGE with order of colors]
Award is given for attendance at Horizon functions except meetings.
Meritorious Service [Light BLUE with years of
This is awarded for giving years of service to the Horizon as a member of
one of the Internationals.
Special Service [Light BROWN with order of
Awarded for Special Humanitarian, Earth Awareness or Community Service
projects of a one time nature. These awards are given for service
considered of an extra special nature and of such importance by the chapter
as to merit a special one time award.
Special Projects
[Dark BROWN with order of colors]
This is awarded for special ship’s projects of a one time nature, considered
of great enough importance to the chapter to require a special one time
award. Each award will be individual in its markings.
These awards are
continuously update but given out annually or more often as needed.
Humanitarian (Non-Ecology) [DARK GREEN with order
of colors for ID bar] (Item or time donations) Code name
in bottom of award.
This award is given for donations of time and material to humanitarian needs.
[See below for more info about this award]
OCP (Yellow) 3 months or $500
Chocolate (Brown)
3 months or 5
Stamps (White)
3 months or 50
Soup (Red)
3 months or 5
Cash (Green)
3 months
each or $50
Items (Black)
each or $50
Hours (Blue)
500 mins
(Tan) 3
months or each 5
Labels (Lt Blue) 3 months or
each 5
Earth Awareness (Ecology) [LITE GREEN with order of colors
for ID bar] (Item or time donation)
This award is given for ecological donations of time and material.
[See below for more info about this award]
Cans (Silver)
3 months or 50
Trash (White)
3 months or 50#
Hours (Blue)
each 500 Mins
Number of Awards
The number of awards is
placed in the top of the award.
Award Ribbon size is 4/10” by 4/10”