Horizon Departmental Structure



Departments on the Horizon

(Each department is listed here with their normal assignments.  Actual

assignments vary and the pages under a departments structure reflect

current configuration.)










Captain (CO)

Overall Administration

Financial Officer (account, records)

News Releases

Fleet and Regional Liason

Chair Meetings

Chapter Mailings

Chapter Overall Health



Executive Officer (XO)

Departmental Coordinator (ensures work is done or arranges to get it done)

Newsletter Coordinator (ensures all of the required material gets to Ops)

Awards (ensures material is available for Fl Cntl)

Promotions (makes recommendations to CO)

Environmental Officer (Meeting Location)

Recruiting Officer (arrange recruiting opportunities)

In charge if Captain is not there


Sciences (Sci)

Starfleet Academy (academy contact) 

Ship’s Historian

Ship’s Photographer and Photo Librarian



Engineering (Eng)

Equipment Manager as needed

Technical and Schematics (contacts for chapter)

Video Librarian

Star Trek Library

Star Wars Library

Humanitarian Programs

OCP (Overseas Coupon Program)  

Community Service



Operations (Ops)

Newsletter/ News Services

Handbooks (preparation and maintenance of)

Computer Services (build computer files for chapter as needed)

Personnel Files (as computer files)

Stampede (maintenance of program)



Flight Control (Fl Cntl)

Membership Packets (Maintain an internet list of items of interest to prospective members)

Club Liason (search for and maintain contact with International clubs)

Awards (table at events and manufacture of chapter awards)

Uniforms (design and location for purchase)



Tactical (Tac)

Event Security


Earth Awareness Programs (maintenance of program)  -recycling  -service



Medical (Med)

First Aid Program and Blood Drives

Children’s Services (as needed)

Event Coordinator/ Civic Coordinator (ship’s calendar)